Ten ways EROAD’s Electronic Logbook can save you time and money on your FBT
Ten ways EROAD’s Electronic Logbook can save you time and money on your FBT
1. It helps to establish business use of your vehicles to accurately calculate your FBT and minimise cost.
2. It eliminates the need for paper logbooks.
3. EROAD’s Electronic Logbook records the nature and distance of every journey which means your FBT calculations are more accurate. It’s easy to use and meets all requirements set out by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
4. It’s easy to use and meets all requirements set out by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
5. Provides automated record keeping, making auditing your work vehicle usage and claims easier.
6. EROAD’s Electronic FBT Logbook allows you to maintain usage logs throughout the year to ensure the 12-week period of records selected reflects average usage of the vehicle.
7. Provides increased visibility of your fleet.
8. Provides scheduled reports so managers can monitor when drivers don’t complete the logbook to ensure ongoing compliance.
9. Employees can recall data on their personal and work usage of a vehicle to get a taxable value of fringe benefits recorded on their payment summary for the corresponding income year.
10. Reduces administration time and costs.