Slash admin time with EROAD telematics
EROAD GPS telematics offer real-time data and business benefits for health & safety, fuel tax credits and fleet management, including repair & …
Greening Your Fleet: Undertaking the Journey to EVs
Considering the electrification of your organisation's light vehicles? From cost metrics to onboarding, here’s what you need to know first. Download our …
The Benefits of Using In-Cab Communications
Fleet administrators can send in-cab text messages using MyEROAD. Drivers must acknowledge alerts, reminders and surveys; responses are digitally recorded. …
Are you ready to book it?
Introducing EROAD BookIt, our new pool vehicle booking platform. Find out about the handy user features and administrator benefits for shared fleets. …
How Dashcams Can Reduce Fleet Insurance Costs
Oliver Jepson of NZI corporate motor group discusses how using dashcams can lower fleet insurance premiums through driver behaviour and a strong …
Measure success with Power BI: 9 ideas for custom fleet reports
EROAD Analyst is our preconfigured plug-in app for Microsoft Power BI. What types of reports can you build? Read our blog for …
Dashcams and Driver Performance Management
We share tips on how to talk to drivers about improving their performance using dashcam video footage as a coaching tool to …
Fleet Managers of the Future
Historically, fleet managers have been responsible for the health of assets, not people – but telematics and a growing focus on safety …
Putting the driver at the heart of our design
In this blog, we explain how dashcams improve fleet safety and can prevent accidents by targeting distracted driving behaviour, something only video …
The Ehubo2 experience: We ask the drivers what they think
In this blog, we explain how dashcams improve fleet safety and can prevent accidents by targeting distracted driving behaviour, something only video …
How to Introduce Dashcams to Drivers
In this blog, we explain how dashcams improve fleet safety and can prevent accidents by targeting distracted driving behaviour, something only video …
Safety-Savvy EROAD Customers Sweep 2020 Australasian Fleet Champions Awards
Congratulations to the winners of the 2020 Australasian Fleet Champions Awards, including EROAD customers TIL Logistics, Fulton Hogan, NZ Defence Force, EnviroWaste …