How EROAD’s fleet management solution has saved time and money for Pingelly Transport
How EROAD’s fleet management solution has saved time and money for Pingelly Transport
Business Need
Pingelly Transport is owned and operated by Bill and Zoe Moulton. This family run business was started by Bill’s grandparents and has been running successfully for many years. With six Prime Mover trucks, they cart grain, hay, fertilizer, lime, livestock, and water, throughout the Wheatbelt and surrounds of Western Australia.
When they took over the business in 2017 everything was handwritten, and some of the information, was not always accurate. Plus, keeping track of their trucks was very time consuming, and multiple phone calls were required to know where the trucks were and what they’re doing next. This meant they were relying on estimates and assumptions when claiming fuel tax credits.
Zoe is the co-director of the company, she is also running all the administration, and she has three young children. This prompted Pingelly’s to look for a solution, that could automate their current paper-based systems, improve the accuracy of information to help them to save time on running their business and maximise the fuel tax rebates that they are entitled to.
By combining EROAD and MyTrucking, Pingelly can now easily see an overview of their business, at a glance, all on one screen. MyTrucking brings a new level of automation and mobility to the despatch office and EROAD’s GPS tracking and fleet management tools provides the data. By combining the two systems, you get the revenue by kilometres that each truck is earning, where previously the drivers would have to collate the kilometres and fuel purchases and then there was manual administration required to work out the distance and fuel used each quarter.
Zoe told us, “With EROAD we now have everything we need to run our fleet in one easy to view dashboard, this ranges from fleet location, fuel consumption, fleet maintenance, and driver details. The drivers can enter one load of fuel, which records all the fuel accurately, this cuts out relying on the driver to record the accurate amount for each job, just one batch upload and it’s done, the process is now streamlined.”
Pingelly Transport finds EROAD’s automated fuel tax credit rebate solution extremely beneficial. The automated process has created efficiencies and levels of accuracy that was unattainable when trying to do the claim using paper-based forms and relying on others to record information. Zoe told us “Our fleet travels off-road for two percent of the time, so to be able to backdate the fuel tax credit claim has been excellent.”
Customer Benefits
Since installing EROAD, Pingelly has reaped multiple benefits from the solution. “The most exciting outcome from using the EROAD Fuel Tax Credit solution, was the recovery of under-claimed rebates, it was a great bonus to receive, $7860.00 AUD in fuel tax credit rebates,” said Zoe.
They were able to show a of consistent pattern of use and then go back retrospectively to recover their under-claimed rebates. Having an overview of the vehicle locations through accurate GPS tracking has saved Pingelly Transport time, this is especially evident in the reduction of time with phone calls to their drivers to understand where the trucks are. Zoe told us, “It’s great, the drivers don’t get as many calls throughout the day from us, we can look at the digital map and see where they are and what they are doing, it saves us time and them time.”
Having an overview of everything they need to run the business in one dashboard, is helping to grow the Pingelly business. EROAD has provided accurate information they can use. “It takes accurate information to successfully run our business, EROAD gives us that information. It’s our little secret weapon.”

“The most exciting outcome from using the EROAD Fuel Tax Credit solution, was the recovery of under claimed rebates, it was a great bonus to receive, $1310.00 AUD per vehicle in fuel tax credit rebates.”
Zoe Moulton
Co-director, Pingelly Transport